If you are thinking of selling your house and question if you can sell it as-is, the answer is yes, but you need to disclose.

In last week article, I when over a few questions you may want to think about if you are thinking of selling your property. Here are the questions I listed, and I said I would go over each of them in my articles.
What is the condition of the property? 2. How long will it be on the market? 3. What improvements should be made to the property? 4. What are the estimated closing costs? 5. What is title insurance? 6. Are there any liens or assessments that need to be paid off before closing? 7. Are there any special financing options available for a buyer to buy the property? 8. What type of inspection should be conducted? 9. Should you be offering any incentives in order to close the sale? 10. What types of repairs need to be completed prior to closing?
In my last week article, I when over the question of what improvements should be made.
This week, I am going to go over the question of what type of repairs need to be completed prior to closing on the sale.
First, it is possible to sell a house as-is, as long as you disclose everything about the property issues and the buyer is aware of all the issues.
You will want an inspection done on the property by the buyer or yourself so that the buyer cannot come back to you for any issue or issues that were not disclosed.
Now if your buyer is using a government type loan, like a FHA, VA etc., you will need to make sure the property meets the requirements for the loan.
And if the buyer is going to use conventional financing, lender my also require repairs to be made being they will be giving a loan to the buyer.
Below is a list of several loans a buyer can apply for if they meet the lenders requirements and the type of repairs they need to be made.
What types of repairs need to be completed prior to closing for CalHFA loans
? 1. Correct any existing violations to local and state codes, 2. Repair any existing health and safety hazards, 3. Make sure all exterior doors, windows and skylights are in good working condition, 4. Repair all leaking roofs, windows, doors, plumbing and other water sources, 5. Replace any damaged siding or trim, 6. Repair any broken or missing steps, stairs, railings, decks, balconies, or porches, 7. Repair or replace any broken or nonworking appliances, 8. Make sure furnace, water heater, and air conditioning units are in proper working order, 9. Test and repair or replace needed smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, 10. Repair or replace defective plumbing fixtures or exposed wiring.
What types of repairs need to be completed prior to closing for an FHA loan
? 1. Resolve any health and safety hazards, such as fixing broken windows, replacing faulty smoke detectors, or addressing water damage. 2. Ensure all required repairs and upgrades are completed to meet FHA guidelines. 3. Test all mechanical systems, such as plumbing, heating, and air conditioning, to make sure they are in working order. 4. Have the house inspected for lead-based paint hazards. 5. Repair all foundation and structural issues. 6. Make sure all necessary permits are in place. 7. Repair any mold or mildew present in the home. 8. Address any areas of the home that do not meet minimum energy efficiency requirements. 9. Have any necessary pest treatments performed. 10. Correct any non-functioning or missing appliances.
What types of repairs need to be completed prior to closing for an VA loan
? 1. All major systems must be in good working order with no safety hazards (such as exposed wiring, improper plumbing, etc.). 2. Any structural defect must be corrected, such as siding, roofing, and foundation issues. 3. The home must have an adequate water supply and be connected to an approved sewage disposal system. 4. The home must meet local building codes and pass inspections by the local building department. 5. Lead-based paint hazards must be addressed and corrected. 6. Any termite or other wood destroying insects must be treated and any affected wood replaced if necessary. 7. Electrical, HVAC, and Plumbing systems must be in good working order. 8. Inspections for wood-destroying organisms and radon must be completed and any necessary repairs made. 9. All appliances must be in good working order. 10. All floors, walls, and ceilings must be free of major defects.
What types of repairs need to be completed prior to closing for Rural Housing Loans
? 1. Safety-related repairs such as correcting broken steps or handrails, repairing leaking roofs, and replacing defective windows. 2. Structural repairs such as reinforcing floors, walls, or ceilings, and correcting structural damage caused by foundation failure or rot. 3. Utility system repairs such as reconnecting water lines, updating sewers, and repairs to electrical systems. 4. Heating, ventilation, and cooling (HVAC) system repairs such as replacing faulty duct work, adding insulation, and correcting inefficient circulation. 5. Cosmetic repairs like painting interior walls, refinishing floors, and fixing broken tiles.
What types of repairs need to be completed prior to closing for CalVet Home Loans
? 1. All required health and safety related repairs must be completed. 2. Any repairs needed to bring the home up to CalVet requirements must also be completed. 3. Repairs required by the appraisal, inspections or termite report must be completed. 4. All other necessary repairs must be completed in order to comply with all applicable building, health, safety and zoning codes, ordinances and regulations. 5. Any mechanical, plumbing, electrical, roofing, or other repairs must also be completed prior to closing if they are noted as needed through a home inspection or other report.
Like I have said, I sell real estate in Southern California, and when you sell properties here you need to disclose and as an agent selling properties here in California, I also have the responsible for doing a visual inspection and disclose what I see.
Yes, you can sell a property as-is in California, but if you don’t disclose you leave yourself over to issues and lawsuits

Steve Olmos
Selling properties in Southern California since 1980
Steve Olmos: www.lookingrealestate.com/contact information
Homequest real estate
Diana Olmos: www.mortgagemarketingmentor.com
Statewide Funding Inc
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